The SDAW organizing workgroup began soliciting input from producers and processors summer 2016 to begin funding industry marketing and public awareness. Funds raised are intended to go towards website and social media development, developing marketing materials on the nutritional value of sheep milk, pairings, etc.
Contributions from producers and processors are also intended to provide evidence of our industry’s commitment to marketing with the ultimate desire of teaming up with the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and other dairy industry marketing efforts.
Milk producers SDAW members are expected to contribute $0.20/cwt of milk sold. Processors are expected to contribute the same. Producer/processors are expected to contribute for both the milk produced and the milk processed.
Forms have been forwarded by email to the cheese plants we are aware of processing sheep milk. If your plant has not yet asked you to sign up for the check-off. Please contact Laurel Kieffer with your cheese plant information.